
Showing posts with the label Bouquet

DIY Candy Bouquet

#Bouquet | Lately, I hear my friends say how there have been so many birthdays coming up, friends having babies, someone has a new job etc… So I sat down and thought about gift ideas I have done. I thou… to Continue Reading...... Moldes para mascaras cubrebocas DIY #Diy | Trucos Trucos te trae las mejores ideas, trucos, tips y consejos para el hogar, bricolage, cocina, belleza, salud, Internet, tecnología y más. read more... DIY Candy Bouquet #Bouquet | Lately, I hear my friends say how there have been so many birthdays coming up, friends having babies, someone has a new job etc… So I sat down and thought about gift ideas I have done. I thou… read more... 50 Espacios Montessori crea el tuyo propio en casa o en clase #Montessori | Espacios Montessori, crea el tuyo propio en casa o en clase En anteriores entradas os hemos ido introduciendo en la pedagogía Montessori, hoy nos centraremos en la preparación del ambiente y en los… read more... DIY baby shoes