
Showing posts with the label Sleep

Ita s not just the pandemic The moon may be messing with your sleep too #Sleep

#Sleep | A new study observed that people, on average, can take about 30 minutes longer to fall asleep and sleep 50 minutes less on nights leading up to a full moon. to Continue Reading...... Tyler Perry Gets Covid #Tyler | The Madea creator and studio head talks about the history of the medical and government establishment’s exploitation of Black people. read more... Alaska official who defended Nazi license plates is removed from state discrimination board #Plates | Anchorage Assembly member Jamie Allard, who also served on the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights, insisted that a personalized message on the plates was a benign German translation. read more... The Best Time of Day to Exercise #Exercise | Men at risk for diabetes had greater blood sugar control and lost more belly fat when they exercised in the afternoon than in the morning. read more... America Is Back Indeed #America | With Biden, we’ve restored our country’s favori...